Friday, August 15, 2014

Next Fitness Challenge starts November 3rd! Get fit BEFORE the holidays!

Let it be YOUR turn to lose weight and get back into shape with me!

                       Get ready to start November 3rd!

The 21 Day Fix program was created for Beachbody by celebrity fitness trainer, Autumn Calabrese. I started the 21 Day Fix because I was at my breaking point with gaining weight. It seemed like overnight I gained weight and I either needed to buy a bigger size of pants or get off my butt and start working out.

I searched online for motivation. My problem was not really knowing what to do but getting started and staying motivated. I searched and searched. I Googled, I YouTube'd, I searched it all. Finally I came across my (soon-to-be) coach's Beachbody results pics. I was seriously motivated! I mean this girl looked amazing!

I contacted Kati and right away I felt like I was connecting with someone who got it. She and I spoke on the phone for about an hour. I knew that Beachbody offering coaching and I wanted a coach to keep me motivated. Kati told me about the 21 Day Fix. She said the 21 Day Fix program had 30 minute workouts that I can do at home and the best part of the program is that it really made portion control simple and easy!

The 21 Day Fix program uses containers that your food fits into to help teach you the portions you need for your meals. Having a fitness and nutrition background I have been very familiar with portions before but the 21 Day Fix broke it down into a simple system.

The meal guide helps you calculate your caloric needs. Based on your caloric needs you are allotted so many containers per day. The 21 Day Fix program comes with 6 containers. If your foods fit into those containers you can eat them. For example, for the green container, you fill it will veggies.. The purple container is filled with fruits. For my caloric needs I am allowed 3 green containers per day and 2 purple containers per day. The 21 Day Fix program tells you how many of each container you can have each day! It's that simple!!

There are containers: Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Blue.

Green= veggies
Purple= fruits
Red= proteins
Yellow= carbs
Orange= dressings, oils

Blue= fats (cheese)
Teaspoons- nut butters, oils 

Watch the sneak peak to the 21 Day Fix! It only takes 21 Days to create a new habit. I would love for you to join me in my next challenge!!!  

21 Day Fix Sneak Peek  
(this is one program you can choose... there are many others):

So how do I do the challenge with you, Amanda?

1) You choose the Challenge Pack you want (your choice of program and your choice of Shakeology flavor). Personally I loooove the 21 Day Fix and Brazil Butt Lift but you can choose ANY Beachbody program to complete.

To choose your challenge pack Click here and click on "Buy a Challenge Pack"

2) You will get added to my private Facebook group that will be created for the challenge

3) You will be required to complete the home workouts, follow the awesome nutrition plan, and drink Shakeology once per day.

4) You will get my DAILY support whenever you need it, you get the support of other challengers, and you will have me to keep you accountable.

Contact me with any questions!

Manda- founder of Fitness Rockstars