Monday, November 3, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift and 21 Day Fix Hybrid Calendar

So... our No Excuses November Fitness Challege came around and I knew I really wanted to do Brazil Butt Lift and also the 21 Day Fix. Since I couldn't choose which one I wanted to do I decided to do both by creating a Hybrid program. Want to join me in my next challenge? Message me at or contact me on Facebook at

Here is the hybrid calendar I created:

Brazil Butt Lift/21 Day Fix Hybrid Program
Note: This program was created with the Slim & Shape Pear Solution  
as the main program while substituting the cardio days with
21 Day Fix cardio.
Week 1
Booty Basics & Cardio Fix
Cardio Fix & Fix Abs

Cardio Fix
Rest Day
Cardio Fix & High and Tight
Cardio Fix
& Fix Abs
Rest Day

Week 2
High and Tight & Fix Abs
Cardio Fix
High and Tight & Fix Abs
Sculpt &
Fix Abs
High  and Tight

Week 3
Cardio Fix AM & Cardio Fix PM
Sculpt &
Fix Abs
Cardio Fix AM & Cardio Fix PM
Hight and Tight &
Fix Abs
Rest Day

Week 4
Cardio fix AM & Cardio Fix PM
Sculpt &
Fix Abs
High and Tight
Sculpt &
Fix Abs
Cardio Fix & High and Tight
Cardio Fix & Sculpt
Rest Day

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift Program

I am super excited to see what my results will be after completing the Brazil Butt Lift program. I am starting it November 3rd and it is a 60 day program.

Back in June 2014 I used this program for ONE week while I was waiting for the 21 Day Fix program to arrive in the mail.

For just ONE week I saw some amazing results!! I can only imagine what my results will be if I do the program all the way through this time.

I am excited to share my results along the way. I will be posting updates every week to track my progress. If you want to join me let me know! Comment below or email me at and I will get right back to you.


Amanda Davis

Saturday, October 11, 2014

6 Cooking Mistakes That Make You Fat

woman in kitchen
Eating in is one of the best ways to get (and stay) slim. Cooking at home allows you to control the calories and fat, and use wholesome ingredients in your meals—not something you can easily do when you go out to a restaurant. But there may be small mistakes you’re making when it comes to whipping up a homemade meal or snack that can lead to weight gain, from pouring on the olive oil to baking “low-fat” cookies.

Cooking Mistake #1: You’re too generous with the olive oil

No doubt olive oil is a healthy fat—it’s rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the aroma of olive oil may even improve satiety, prompting you to eat less at later meals, finds a recent German study. But that doesn’t mean you can pour it on with abandon. One tablespoon of olive oil contains 120 calories, and if you’re eyeballing how much you add to a pan, it’s easy to pour twice that—and therefore, twice the calories. Washington, D.C.–based personal chef and registered dietitian Jessica Swift, MS, suggests using just enough oil to coat the pan’s cooking surface, then using a paper towel to wipe off any excess oil before adding other ingredients. In addition, try sautéing veggies in low-sodium chicken or veggie stock or white wine.

Cooking Mistake #2: You forget to spice things up

Rethink how you add flavor to foods. Instead of covering steamed broccoli in butter, sauces, or cheese, reach for your spice rack. One new study from the University of Colorado found that when people added herbs and spices to reduced-fat foods, they rated those foods as tasty as their full-fat versions. Swift likes rubbing fish with dill, paprika, and garlic and topping with a squeeze of lemon. Also try covering chicken breasts with rosemary, garlic, lemon or orange slices, and sage before baking it in the oven.

Cooking Mistake #3: You bake meat in the oven

Baking chicken in the oven can definitely help save calories over pan-frying or sautéing, but here’s what you’re probably missing: you should elevate the meat and cook it on a rack. This allows the fat to drain away, Swift says. Do the same with veggies. Toss them with oil, salt, and pepper, then roast on a rack placed atop a baking sheet. When done, they won’t be swimming in gobs of oil, but you’ll still enjoy the same delicious flavor.

Cooking Mistake #4: You’re “cleaning up” baked goods

You know the tricks to “healthify” treats like cookies, muffins, and brownies: use puréed fruit instead of refined sugar, and add black bean purée to brownies. Try whole-grain flour in your muffins. And while it’s a good idea to make an effort to add as much nutrition as possible to treats, it makes it easier to justify a splurge. In fact, people eat larger portions if food is marked “healthy,” shows research in the International Journal of Obesity. So you may snack on four cookies instead of two because your new recipe contains half the fat—but this defeats the entire purpose.

Cooking Mistake #5: You’re, well, cooking everything

Because research shows that adults are eating far too few fruits and vegetables, it’s a good idea to try to get more into your diet, whether steamed, roasted, or grilled—whatever way you love them the most. But don’t forget to eat them raw, too. According to a 2011 study published in the journal PNAS, the process of cooking produce makes more calories available to the body. That means your body burns more calories by simply digesting raw foods, which could translate into weight loss. (Sure, it’s a minimal amount, but over time this can add up.) So don’t forget to include big salads; crudités, like sliced cukes and red peppers, dipped in salsa or guac; or gazpacho in your meal rotation.

Cooking Mistake #6: You think pasta was made for noodles

If you’ve already switched from white pasta to whole wheat versions, then give yourself a pat on the back. Pasta made with 100% whole wheat flour digests slower than refined versions, so you stay fuller for longer. But there’s life beyond wheat noodles, and it saves mega-calories and dials up the nutrition: veggies masquerading as noodles. Think spaghetti squash, zucchini and squash ribbons, and sliced asparagus. Want proof? One cup of spaghetti squash contains 42 calories compared with one cup of pasta at 200 calories. Top veggie “noodles” with a tomato sauce and turkey meatballs and you’ve got a lower-carb and lower-calorie (but still satisfying) meal. One tip: when making spaghetti squash, don’t salt it before cooking, which adds about 16% of your daily value of bloat-inducing sodium. The sauce you put on top will contain enough salt to flavor the dish.

by Jessica Migala June 3, 2014

For more great articles on fitness and nutrition click here:  Team Beachbody Blog

Friday, August 15, 2014

Next Fitness Challenge starts November 3rd! Get fit BEFORE the holidays!

Let it be YOUR turn to lose weight and get back into shape with me!

                       Get ready to start November 3rd!

The 21 Day Fix program was created for Beachbody by celebrity fitness trainer, Autumn Calabrese. I started the 21 Day Fix because I was at my breaking point with gaining weight. It seemed like overnight I gained weight and I either needed to buy a bigger size of pants or get off my butt and start working out.

I searched online for motivation. My problem was not really knowing what to do but getting started and staying motivated. I searched and searched. I Googled, I YouTube'd, I searched it all. Finally I came across my (soon-to-be) coach's Beachbody results pics. I was seriously motivated! I mean this girl looked amazing!

I contacted Kati and right away I felt like I was connecting with someone who got it. She and I spoke on the phone for about an hour. I knew that Beachbody offering coaching and I wanted a coach to keep me motivated. Kati told me about the 21 Day Fix. She said the 21 Day Fix program had 30 minute workouts that I can do at home and the best part of the program is that it really made portion control simple and easy!

The 21 Day Fix program uses containers that your food fits into to help teach you the portions you need for your meals. Having a fitness and nutrition background I have been very familiar with portions before but the 21 Day Fix broke it down into a simple system.

The meal guide helps you calculate your caloric needs. Based on your caloric needs you are allotted so many containers per day. The 21 Day Fix program comes with 6 containers. If your foods fit into those containers you can eat them. For example, for the green container, you fill it will veggies.. The purple container is filled with fruits. For my caloric needs I am allowed 3 green containers per day and 2 purple containers per day. The 21 Day Fix program tells you how many of each container you can have each day! It's that simple!!

There are containers: Green, Purple, Red, Yellow, Orange, and Blue.

Green= veggies
Purple= fruits
Red= proteins
Yellow= carbs
Orange= dressings, oils

Blue= fats (cheese)
Teaspoons- nut butters, oils 

Watch the sneak peak to the 21 Day Fix! It only takes 21 Days to create a new habit. I would love for you to join me in my next challenge!!!  

21 Day Fix Sneak Peek  
(this is one program you can choose... there are many others):

So how do I do the challenge with you, Amanda?

1) You choose the Challenge Pack you want (your choice of program and your choice of Shakeology flavor). Personally I loooove the 21 Day Fix and Brazil Butt Lift but you can choose ANY Beachbody program to complete.

To choose your challenge pack Click here and click on "Buy a Challenge Pack"

2) You will get added to my private Facebook group that will be created for the challenge

3) You will be required to complete the home workouts, follow the awesome nutrition plan, and drink Shakeology once per day.

4) You will get my DAILY support whenever you need it, you get the support of other challengers, and you will have me to keep you accountable.

Contact me with any questions!

Manda- founder of Fitness Rockstars

Monday, June 30, 2014

21 Day Fix Results

21 Day Fix Results:

Click here to join my next challenge!

 Day 1             Day 21

Chest: 34"                  Chest: 34" 
R Arm: 10"                R Arm: 10"
L Arm: 10"                 L Arm: 10"
Waist: 29"                  Waist: 26.5"
Hips: 39.75"               Hips: 37" 
R Thigh: 22"              R Thigh: 21"
L Thigh: 22"               L Thigh: 21" 
Weight: 137.4             Weight: 132.2

Inches Lost with 21 Day Fix:

Chest: 0"
R Arm:0"
L Arm:0"
Waist: 2.5"
Hips: 2.75"
R Thigh: 1"
L Thigh: 1"

Total inches lost with 21 Day Fix: 7.25"
Total weight lost with 21 Day Fix: 5.2 lbs

Total inches lost with Beachbody to date: 10.5"
Total weight lost with Beachbody to date: 10 lbs.

So what is the 21 Day Fix program and how does it work?

The 21 Day Fix program is based on a few things:
1) It focuses on creating a new healthy habit (it takes 21 Days to form a new habit)
2) It focuses on nutrition. The 21 Day Fix uses containers to help measure out portions for veggies, fruits, protein, carbs, fats, dressings, and oils.

3) The workouts are short- 30 minute workouts and are doable

The 21 Day Fix is a program to helo people count portions and not calories. The Meal Plan guide lists food items under each food type that you should eat. For example there is a list of veggies you can choose from, a list of fruits, proteins, etc. 

This program is very doable for anyone and many, many people have had success with this program. I had a great success with this program, my boyfriend who never had any interest in health and fitness before this also had great success with the 21 Day Fix, as well as many of my Beachbody teammates and the challengers in our groups!

To join my next challenge feel free to Contact Me and I will schedule a time with you to learn more about you and your goals. I would love for you to join me and I can't wait for yout to get started on your goals!

If you want to learn about becoming a coach like me then please click here!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

I start my first Beachbody Challenge on Monday June 9th! I am so excited to see my end results!

I already lost 5.4 lbs using Brazil Butt Lift and so far I have only done 4 workouts, started eating healthier again and added Shakeology to my diet.

Even though I knew I would not get to complete the entire BBL program I started doing it anyway because I already had the program and I didn't want to wait until my challenge on Monday June 9th to working out again. I will return to BBL at a later date, and I will also complete the BBL Master program for even better results!

For my challenge I will be doing the 21 Day Fix! I am excited because this program is a lot like one I have used in my ealry 20's that gave me AMAZINg results. I expect great results! Stay tuned for my progress pics and weigh-ins. I will post my before pics soon!!!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Before and After Brazil Butt Lift program by Beachbody

My coach's results from the Brazil Butt Lift program:

My name is Amanda and I am a Team BeachBody Coach. Here are my coach's results after using the BBL program. Her results were accomplished by using the BBL program in conjunction with Shakeology shakes.

Shop Beachbody

Challenge Packs

Summer Sale

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Get Shakeology
I would love to be your coach to help you along your journey to achieving your amazing results! I am working on my transformation as well!

Want to be a coach? Check out my page on coaching.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Finished Another Workout! Boom!

So, I must admit I am one day behind schedule on my workouts, but guess what?! You got that right! I am not giving up! 

So today I did Cardio Axe again. It is very fun, much like dancing. Leandro is so hilarious. I think he is a dancer as well, I mean the way the guy moves! And he will always get me with that accent. Anyhow, I am far from being fully coordinated for this but I will get there. I am already better then last time. Once the moves start coming to me it gets really fun!

Progress Check

Yay! After only 3 BBL workouts and eating healthier- I am down 3 lbs. and fitting into my jeans better! My tummy has gone down, booty looks/feels firmer, and my "love handles" have shrunk somewhat. I know some of the weight I lost is "water weight" because I am not retaining water like I was before. I feel great; and look better in my bikini already! I am so excited to see my progress over time!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift Workout Schedule

Week 1 Workout Schedule:

Day 1- Booty Basics and Bum, Bum
Day 2- Cardio Axe and High & Tight
Day 3- Cardio Axe and Bum, Bum
Day 4- Rest day
Day 5- Cardio Axe and High & Tight
Day 6- Bum, Bum and Tummy Tuck
Day 7- Rest day
As mentioned in previous posts I started the Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) DVD program by Beachbody. Let me tell ya, these workouts are much more difficult than they appear. Since it's been so long since I last worked out and I am out of shape I had to modify my first workout!

BBL is a 4 week DVD series that focuses on losing fat and targeting the glutes during the resistance portion of the exercises. The program utilizes body weight and resistance bands. There are four different workout plans to choose from:

1) Lift & Shape (Flat solution)
2) Slim & Shape (Pear solution)
3) Slim & Shape (Too Big solution)
4) Combination (The Classic solution)

I am following the Slim & Shape (Too Big solution). Normally I would choose the Pear solution but I am heavier than I usually am.

Day 3 update

Program: Brazil Butt Lift

Have you ever heard of DOM's (delayed onset muscle soreness)? I am very sore today, from my first workout done two days ago! Having a fitness background, I know this is to be expected. Today calls for lots of stretching.

I am determined to stop making excuses. I will be completing two workouts today. My busy schedule called for an eye exam earlier, studying for an exam, working out twice, and hanging out with my son (oh and I probably should clean my house- *sigh*).

Later today, after my midterm exam I will be creating a Vision Board. Have you ever created a "Vision Board"? My Vision Board will include all the things I want to achieve in regards to fitness and my future (thrown in with some other personal goals). Also, coming later today will be my Brazil Butt Lift workout schedule.

...... stay tuned.

Not giving up!

Day 3- 5/31/14: I planned on working out yesterday, however I am embarrassed to admit that I did not. After work my son had preschool graduation (which really is not an excuse because I planned to workout after the event). After the graduation was over we were invited to hang out with friends. While I attempted to explain that I needed to workout I let my friend influence me to spend time with them.

Being human means we make mistakes, with success comes failure (big or small). I know that if I want to see my results and accomplish my fitness goals I must be determined to proceed. I am not giving up! I had a glitch in my workout schedule but there is not stopping me.

Today I do workouts 2 and 3 to make up for missing yesterday. No pain, no gain.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 1 of new workout program

Day 1: 5/29/14- The workout kicked my butt (that's what I want-I started the Brazil Butt Lift program today). Boy am I out of shape! I admit it; I had to modify a lot of the moves, my balance and coordination were completely off, I moved  a lot slower than I thought I would, I had to remind myself to breathe, and I wanted to give up halfway through it, but guess what?! I didn't give up! I am far from being "in shape" but I am closer than I was yesterday.

I plan on sticking this through so I can have amazing results. One day at a time I will get stronger, healthier, leaner, firmer, smaller, and faster! I know it doesn't happen overnight. Day one started today and for me that is huge! Huge! 'Cause getting started is the hardest part for me.

Beginning measurements and weight to come... stay tuned.

***Shout out goes to my 4 1/2 year old son for taking my pics***

Welcome to my fitness blog

Welcome to my fitness blog! Yesterday (5/28/14) I made a commitment to stop making excuses and today (5/29/14) I started working out again. Here is my journey!

Photo below is from 2013- when I was in shape, smaller, healthier, and had more energy. I will post my before pics when I have some progress pics to post.