Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 3 update

Program: Brazil Butt Lift

Have you ever heard of DOM's (delayed onset muscle soreness)? I am very sore today, from my first workout done two days ago! Having a fitness background, I know this is to be expected. Today calls for lots of stretching.

I am determined to stop making excuses. I will be completing two workouts today. My busy schedule called for an eye exam earlier, studying for an exam, working out twice, and hanging out with my son (oh and I probably should clean my house- *sigh*).

Later today, after my midterm exam I will be creating a Vision Board. Have you ever created a "Vision Board"? My Vision Board will include all the things I want to achieve in regards to fitness and my future (thrown in with some other personal goals). Also, coming later today will be my Brazil Butt Lift workout schedule.

...... stay tuned.

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