Saturday, May 31, 2014

Brazil Butt Lift Workout Schedule

Week 1 Workout Schedule:

Day 1- Booty Basics and Bum, Bum
Day 2- Cardio Axe and High & Tight
Day 3- Cardio Axe and Bum, Bum
Day 4- Rest day
Day 5- Cardio Axe and High & Tight
Day 6- Bum, Bum and Tummy Tuck
Day 7- Rest day
As mentioned in previous posts I started the Brazil Butt Lift (BBL) DVD program by Beachbody. Let me tell ya, these workouts are much more difficult than they appear. Since it's been so long since I last worked out and I am out of shape I had to modify my first workout!

BBL is a 4 week DVD series that focuses on losing fat and targeting the glutes during the resistance portion of the exercises. The program utilizes body weight and resistance bands. There are four different workout plans to choose from:

1) Lift & Shape (Flat solution)
2) Slim & Shape (Pear solution)
3) Slim & Shape (Too Big solution)
4) Combination (The Classic solution)

I am following the Slim & Shape (Too Big solution). Normally I would choose the Pear solution but I am heavier than I usually am.

Day 3 update

Program: Brazil Butt Lift

Have you ever heard of DOM's (delayed onset muscle soreness)? I am very sore today, from my first workout done two days ago! Having a fitness background, I know this is to be expected. Today calls for lots of stretching.

I am determined to stop making excuses. I will be completing two workouts today. My busy schedule called for an eye exam earlier, studying for an exam, working out twice, and hanging out with my son (oh and I probably should clean my house- *sigh*).

Later today, after my midterm exam I will be creating a Vision Board. Have you ever created a "Vision Board"? My Vision Board will include all the things I want to achieve in regards to fitness and my future (thrown in with some other personal goals). Also, coming later today will be my Brazil Butt Lift workout schedule.

...... stay tuned.

Not giving up!

Day 3- 5/31/14: I planned on working out yesterday, however I am embarrassed to admit that I did not. After work my son had preschool graduation (which really is not an excuse because I planned to workout after the event). After the graduation was over we were invited to hang out with friends. While I attempted to explain that I needed to workout I let my friend influence me to spend time with them.

Being human means we make mistakes, with success comes failure (big or small). I know that if I want to see my results and accomplish my fitness goals I must be determined to proceed. I am not giving up! I had a glitch in my workout schedule but there is not stopping me.

Today I do workouts 2 and 3 to make up for missing yesterday. No pain, no gain.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 1 of new workout program

Day 1: 5/29/14- The workout kicked my butt (that's what I want-I started the Brazil Butt Lift program today). Boy am I out of shape! I admit it; I had to modify a lot of the moves, my balance and coordination were completely off, I moved  a lot slower than I thought I would, I had to remind myself to breathe, and I wanted to give up halfway through it, but guess what?! I didn't give up! I am far from being "in shape" but I am closer than I was yesterday.

I plan on sticking this through so I can have amazing results. One day at a time I will get stronger, healthier, leaner, firmer, smaller, and faster! I know it doesn't happen overnight. Day one started today and for me that is huge! Huge! 'Cause getting started is the hardest part for me.

Beginning measurements and weight to come... stay tuned.

***Shout out goes to my 4 1/2 year old son for taking my pics***

Welcome to my fitness blog

Welcome to my fitness blog! Yesterday (5/28/14) I made a commitment to stop making excuses and today (5/29/14) I started working out again. Here is my journey!

Photo below is from 2013- when I was in shape, smaller, healthier, and had more energy. I will post my before pics when I have some progress pics to post.